파워포인트로 TTS를 활용한 유튜브 동영상 만들기
파워포인트는 가장 많이 쓰이는 프로그램 중 하나대부분 발표자료를 만드는데 파워포인트를 꾸준히 쓰고 계시지요?단순히 파워포인트 자료에 동영상을 첨부하는 건 대부분 해보셨을 텐데요. 그런데, 파워포인트로 텍스트를 더빙하는 TTS도 적용하고 동영상도 제작할 수 있다는 건 알고 계셨나요?약간 ...
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As you surf the web, you will see numerous digital ads. It’s not a big deal if you’re a consumer (just annoying instead), but if you’re a producer. So you’re in a position to create ad creatives and promote your products. It’s an important one. But, with so many video ads, how do you get potential customers to focus on my ads? Of course, one of the factors that directly influence video ads is sophisticated targeting. Showing your ads to people who are likely to be interested in your ads can do great things. But today, I’m going to tell you how to go beyond targeting and increase performance through the storytelling of the creative itself.
The Narrative Arc of Digital Advertising
Suppose you think of the narrative arc of a typical movie. In that case, you might think of a graph that starts quietly at first but peaks at a climax and then gradually descends again.
But digital advertising doesn’t work that way. Just think about it. Where do your eyes turn when a YouTube ad appears? Yes. Do you see when the skip button is activated? These 5 seconds are the moments we have to catch as producers. So it is necessary to have a strategy for getting eye-catching of your potential audience. in 5 seconds. If you think of it as a narrative arc, the climax is at the beginning. That’s the most significant differentiation from the typical narrative arc.
Empathize with customer needs
The most misleading ads are the ones that frantically introduce what our products are. Why is it a problem? Because our target is not yet ready to accept the ad. The first thing to do in a video ad narrative is to show that you understand the needs or problems of your prospects. Ask, “Are you suffering from something?”. It is a good idea to start. Suppose we show empathy and introduce your product. In that case, it will prevent customers from leaving and increase the probability of delivering the message of the video ad to the end.
Importance of CTAs
The last message to be included in a video ad is a Call-to-Action (CTA). There are various CTA buttons for each advertising platform. Now what I’m talking about is not this kind of physical button. In a video ad message, you state what your customers should do next. If you have messages like “Book now” or “Join us for free,” your CTR will increase by more than 2x.
Wrap up
Digital advertising works in a completely different way from traditional narrative arcs. You should throw the most critical message initially, and it’s a good idea to start by showing empathy for your customers’ needs. And when your customers are ready to accept it, only then is it a good idea to show off some of your product’s strengths. Finally, indicate what actions your audience should take after seeing your video ad. Create your storytelling by composing a narrative arc like this. You will be able to win the intense digital advertising competition.