2022-07-18 22:27:57

How to add music to Instagram Stories

This post doesn’t just cover how to add music. Instead, I talk about some Instagram Stories best practices and even an easy way to create a video with music.

What is the Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories, released in 2016, use a full vertical screen with a 9:16 aspect ratio and disappear within 24 hours unless saved. It also features the ability to use interesting creative elements such as stickers, emojis, and GIFs.

According to the Facebook for business page, Instagram Stories helped them communicate with friends and family. Some respondents said they appreciate that content disappears within 24 hours, and this format further emphasizes the value of content. One in three Instagrammers said they became more interested in a brand or product after seeing a business’s Instagram story.

Optimized size for Instagram Stories

The recommended size for Instagram Stories is 1080x1920 pixels which is a 9:16 aspect ratio. This ratio can be used immediately if you vertical shoot with your smartphone. The length of the video is up to 15 seconds, and it can be automatically divided into 15 seconds if you want to upload a longer video. Meanwhile, the slide duration per image is 7 seconds. It would be best if you made the story enjoyable so that the audience doesn’t get bored.

Best Practices for Instagram Stories (from the official site)



With this campaign, they said it hits a 2.4X higher conversion rate. You can read more details about the campaign with Bombas on Instagram Stories’ official page.


Chameleon Cold Brew

They said their brand awareness lifted by 3.3X when running a video ad in Instagram Stories. Here are more details about the company and the campaign.



This ad leveraged native interactive behaviors by tapping and holding the screen to do rock scissor paper. As a result, it boosts awareness of a new snack product.

Best way to create Instagram Stories with BGM

Various online video makers can create Instagram Stories. Among them, I recommend VideoStew. Because this product is excellent for creating text-centric video content along with product images you have, it also provides a free BGM library, which is optimized for Instagram Stories ads. All you have to do is choose an Instagram story size, type a message, and add an image.

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