2024-08-28 16:26:44

Short-Form Content Strategy for Media Companies: 3 Key Tips for Running a Successful YouTube Channel

Recently, traditional newspapers and online news outlets have been paying attention to short-form content. This is a strategic move to adapt to the changing trends in media consumption.

In this blog post, we will share common challenges faced by news organizations when venturing into video platforms and provide the easiest tips to get started.

Five Key Reasons News Organizations Are Focusing on Video Platforms like YouTube

Video platforms like YouTube don't directly boost traffic to news websites. However, news organizations are still interested for the following reasons:

Reaching New Audiences

Expanding the reader base by targeting younger generations, especially Gen Z and Millennials.

These groups tend to get their information through social media and video platforms rather than traditional news outlets.

By offering content that matches their interests and consumption patterns through a YouTube channel, it's possible to reach younger readers who are hard to attract with traditional media.

For example, complex current events can be explained in short, concise videos, or news content can be created that ties into trendy topics.

Enhancing Brand Awareness

Increasing the exposure of the news organization's brand through presence on various social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

By creating and distributing content that fits the characteristics of each platform, you provide opportunities for the brand to be encountered on multiple channels.

For example, in-depth analysis videos can be provided on YouTube, infographics on Instagram, and short, impactful news highlights on TikTok.

This can lead to cross-promotion across platforms, ultimately enhancing the overall brand awareness and credibility of the media company.

Enhanced Interaction with Readers

Most news websites have integrated comment services, but they are often not actively used.

This is because the comment culture on news websites hasn't been properly established. On the other hand, YouTube shows a different trend.

The comment section on YouTube serves as a lively space for discussions and exchanges of opinions. This is the result of the platform's characteristics combined with the participatory culture of its users.

Especially since encouraging comments in videos can lead to direct outcomes, it can be used as a platform to actively accept feedback from readers.

This approach goes beyond merely delivering news, presenting a new model of participatory journalism where news is created together with the viewers.

The active interaction on YouTube can significantly contribute to increasing reader loyalty and building trust in the media company.

Cross-Platform Strategy

Synergy effects across various platforms can help build an overall media ecosystem.

For example, highlights of in-depth analysis videos provided on a YouTube channel can be shared on Instagram Reels or TikTok, driving traffic to related articles on the main website.

Additionally, popular articles on the website can be turned into YouTube content to provide additional information and analysis.

This cross-platform strategy can maximize the strengths of each platform while strengthening the overall content ecosystem, ultimately expanding the digital presence of the media company.

Multimedia Content Creation

Beyond text-based information delivery, rich and multidimensional information can be conveyed using videos, audio, graphics, and more.

Complex data can be visualized in easily understandable infographic videos, or live news scenes can be delivered through on-site coverage videos.

Additionally, by conducting expert interviews or panel discussions, you can present various perspectives and use animations to easily explain abstract concepts.

This multimedia approach effectively enhances readers' understanding and provides in-depth analysis of complex issues.

Three Major Challenges Faced by News Organizations When Running a YouTube Channel

However, there are several challenges that news organizations encounter when managing a YouTube channel.

Through interviews with news organizations already using VideoStew and those participating in support programs from the Korea Press Foundation, we have identified the following four common difficulties.

Human Resource Issues

Creating video content requires additional personnel apart from those who write articles. This is particularly challenging for small to medium-sized news organizations due to budget constraints, making it difficult to hire specialized staff.

In such situations, existing departments end up taking on additional responsibilities, which adds to their workload, making sustainable operations challenging.

Lack of Technical Expertise

There may be a lack of know-how regarding new technologies such as video production and editing. This isn't just about knowing how to edit videos.

From scripting know-how to adapt existing articles into video formats to efficiently editing and distributing them, the entire process is new, creating a barrier to entry.

Generally, the technical know-how related to video editing required for running a YouTube channel in a news organization includes:

Many news organizations, having been accustomed to text-based reporting for a long time, find it difficult to develop this new form of storytelling.

Intensifying Competition on Video Platforms

When you first start running a channel, you face fierce competition from both individual creators and large channels. This is a comprehensive challenge that goes beyond simple content competition.

Additionally, you may struggle with exposure due to a lack of understanding of the YouTube algorithm.

Traditional media companies find it difficult to adapt to this new form of competition, especially when it comes to attracting a younger audience.

Three Smart Tips for Media Companies to Start a Video Channel

So far, we've discussed why media companies are interested in video platforms like YouTube and the common entry barriers they face when starting a video channel.

Now, let's move on to the tips that will help media companies start their video channels in the smartest way possible.

Tip 1: Start with Minimal Resources

In the initial stages, it's important to use available resources efficiently.

Here, we will focus on examples of media companies that are already running YouTube or TikTok channels stably through VideoStew, and show you how to upload your first video most easily using VideoStew.

1) First, import the URL of an already published article into VideoStew.

< Option to start with the URL of VideoStew's website >

VideoStew can import the script and images used in the original article simply by pasting an already published article or just the URL.

You can easily start the video creation process by entering the document's URL through the [Start with website] menu.

2) Use the editing function to format it according to YouTube's grammar.

< AI Polishing Results >

Generally, article writing follows a structure of introduction, development, climax, and conclusion, and is often written in a formal tone.

However, this style isn't quite suitable for YouTube videos. By using the [Polishing] feature, you can easily re-script the content by placing hooking points at the beginning and converting the text into a conversational tone.

Of course, you can also make additional edits or change parts you don't like on the spot.

3) Upload your existing video footage or images.

< Easy Resource Replacement with Drag and Drop >

VideoStew automatically adds stock videos or images that fit the context of your sentences.

However, for articles, using images or videos you've shot yourself is much better. It positively impacts the performance of the video as well.

So, if you have videos or images with resolved copyrights, feel free to upload them and easily replace them using drag and drop.

4) Upload to your YouTube channel with a single click.

< Automatic Generation of Title, Thumbnail, Description, and Timestamps >

Once the work is done, you can distribute it to your YouTube channel with just one click.

When uploading a video, you also need to include specific elements such as the title, thumbnail, timestamps, and description.

With VideoStew, this process is automated, making it easy to upload your videos.

News agencies familiar with VideoStew complete the video production process for each article in about 10-20 minutes. If you want to learn more about how to use it, we recommend watching the VideoStew introduction video through this link.

Tip 2: Establish a Consistent and Regular Distribution Schedule

< YouTube's Scheduled Publishing Feature >

As mentioned earlier, once you start a YouTube channel (the same goes for other video platforms), we haven't yet earned the trust(?) of the YouTube algorithm.

To achieve organic exposure and go viral, you need to maintain consistent branding and distribute your content regularly.

It takes time to increase subscribers and see results. Therefore, focusing on long-term benefits rather than short-term views and subscriber numbers is crucial for growing your channel without wavering.

Finally, actively communicate with your audience to collect feedback on your videos and incorporate it into your content improvement, evolving into an optimized format.

Tip 3: Utilize YouTube Studio

< Average View Duration in YouTube Studio >

Posting videos that get no reaction every time is pointless. This is when continuous efforts to improve the quality of videos through data analysis are necessary.

By using YouTube Studio, you can find out where viewers are dropping off in your videos through metrics like view rates and watch time.

Through this, it is important to improve our articles to better fit the video format and increase view rates.

Additionally, by using demographic data, you can understand your key audience and establish a focused content strategy tailored to them.

Starting is Half the Battle

The challenges faced by media companies in running a YouTube channel are definitely not easy.

However, despite these difficulties, creating video content in the digital age's media environment is becoming a necessity, not a choice.

The most important thing is to take that first step. Waiting for perfect preparation might cause you to miss opportunities. Instead, starting with the resources you currently have and gradually improving can be an effective strategy.

Also, success in the digital media environment doesn't happen overnight. But if you don't start now, that opportunity for success may never come.

Even though there are difficulties, it's time to have the courage to take the first step.

Why not start right now with VideoStew? Your first video could be the beginning of a significant step leading the future media industry.

Starting is half the battle. The moment you take that first step, you are already halfway to success.

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