
Uploading videos/images shot on smartphones

If you access VideoStew from a smartphone Chrome browser, you can quickly upload videos and images from the mobile device's gallery to your account.

Log in to VideoStew from your smartphone

Connect to VideoStew from the Chrome browser on your smartphone. Depending on the user's login method, you can log in with social one-click login or by entering your email and password.

Select Upload File

Click the "Select Upload File" button in the center to select files from your photo album or file manager.

If you wish to change the workspace before uploading, please change the workspace first and then click "Select Upload File".

Verify Upload Results on PC

After the upload is complete, you can check the uploaded files on each user tab in the PC Chrome browser. If there are additional files needed during the operation, please continue to upload. New files can be confirmed soon in the library without needing to refresh.
