

Can I use it without worrying about copyright issues?

All libraries provided by VideoStew, including image/video libraries, can be used for personal and commercial distribution purposes without copyright concerns. However, if you wish to add a video using BGM to your YouTube channel, your YouTube channel address must be registered with the workspace. The method for registering your YouTube channel address can be found here.

However, in the case of Giphy (GIFs), we only provide search and embedding for the convenience of the user, and Giphy only permits usage for personal objectives. Therefore, parts of the Giphy list that are used in error without the consent of the users are not our responsibility.

Furthermore, we provide resources with limited copyright issues; however, the user must ensure that the content they upload is not infringing. The user must filter and use only those things that have no licensing issues.

There is a problem with the site

There can be several reasons for problems on the website. Below are the common causes and solutions.

Internal Network Block

In places where security is important, such as companies, it is possible to block connections to certain websites. To check if you are blocked, try accessing If there is no problem when connecting with a mobile phone in LTE mode, and issues only arise when connecting with a computer, it is likely that this is the problem. Please contact your network administrator to request access permission to

Cache Clearing State

VideoStew often updates several times even within a single day. If new code has mixed with old code, script errors can occasionally occur. In this case, you can solve most problems simply by refreshing. If the problem persists, perform Clear Cache in your browser settings.


Many Chrome extensions modify the code and behavior of web slides by injecting themselves into web slides. If a feature that was working suddenly stops, it is likely that this issue is related to these extensions. The simplest way to diagnose is to try accessing in Incognito Mode.

If the script mode operates normally, disable the problematic extension programs. Recently installed extension programs or those related to ad blockers, VPNs, proxies, or security are likely to be the culprits. If not such cases, disable extensions by 510 each in the extension slide and check to find the problematic extension program. If you are using a well-functioning extension, you can add VideoStew site to the exception list in the settings of that extension.

YouTube upload is not working

After rendering a video in VideoStew, you can upload it to YouTube with just one click. Typically, after you press the upload button, it uploads within a few minutes to YouTube Studio.

< Message indicating that the upload has started >

However, there might be issues with network conditions or account connectivity that can prevent a proper upload. In such cases, you can try to delete VideoStew's access from Google account management and attempt the upload again. Please refer to the following steps.

Google account management access

Clicking the account icon in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser will take you to the Google account environment settings menu.

< Move to Google Account Management Menu >

Click on Data and Personal Information Protection

Here, please select the "Data and Personal Information Protection" menu on the left side.

Click on Data of the Apps and Services in Use

Scroll down to find the "Data of the Apps and Services in Use" menu, and here all services that have been granted access permissions are listed.

Delete All Connections to VideoStew in Third-Party App Services

Find VideoStew and select it. Then, by clicking on "Delete All Connections to VideoStew," you can reset the account linkage.

Proceed with the Account Connection by Clicking the Upload Button to YouTube Again

Now, by pressing the YouTube upload button again, you can re-establish a new YouTube account connection. Please re-select the channel you wish to upload to and proceed with the video upload! If it doesn't work, there's a high chance of a temporary network error. In such cases, please let us know through VideoStew Support and we will check it for you.

Upload doesn't work due to exceeding the limit

VideoStew is a web-based service with some limitations.

If the files you upload directly are images and sound/music files, they can be up to 20MB, and videos up to 250MB. If the original video size is larger than this and cannot be uploaded, you can use the Online Free Trimming Tool to split the file and upload it.

