
Setting Transition Effects and Duration

Next, set the [Transition Effect] to "Auto" and the Transition Duration to about 2 seconds. When in "Auto" mode, the auto-animation will be generated because the system operates the animation automatically. Here, applying 2 seconds means that the movement for the second slide will be created over the duration of 2 seconds when it starts.

And if you try the preview in advance, you can confirm that the image element shrinks and moves towards the bottom right over 2 seconds in the animation that has been created. ![]( !Animations only operate when the same element is on multiple slides. Even if it's the same image, if you have uploaded it several times, it may be treated as a different element, so please be careful. If you are sure that it is the same element but the movement is not applied, please check if the [Transition Effect] is set to "Auto" or if the [Transition Duration](/guide/edit/basic/duration/transition-timing) is more than 0 seconds.