
Advanced Utilization Tips

VideoStew contains many advanced utilization tips hidden within. Here we will introduce various tips to better leverage VideoStew.

Editing Uploaded Videos (Trim)

In VideoStew, you can upload your own shot videos and perform cut editing operations. For detailed information, please refer to Playing Around with Playback Intervals.

Edit multiple slides at once

Editing Consistent Elements Across Multiple Slides

Creating video content often involves adding many slides, even if they are in slide format. That means a tremendous amount of editing work is necessary. VideoStew has introduced a bulk editing concept to block such laborious tasks and provide a comfortable editing environment.

< Change the text color of multiple slides at once >

Then you can see that the font color of the text has been changed in all selected slides. The location or size, typeface (font), etc., are all applicable. And besides the text, all things such as videos/images/shapes are also possible.

Select the same slide format at once

By using the [Set Slide Note] feature of VideoStew, you can apply a specific format to each slide. When editing, there are often times when you just want to select a particular layout and edit everything at once.

For example, if you want to edit a head slide to insert an interstitial title at once, you can select the relevant slide and then press the Ctrl key to select the number on the bottom navigator.

< Select the same format slides at once >

Start Wizard Mode

When you start a new project, Wizard mode automatically opens. This Wizard mode is a method that allows you to easily create videos from default input or a blog URL. If you want to do it yourself, you can cancel the Wizard mode by clicking [Start Immediately].

The method to start a project in wizard mode is to follow the [Follow the Wizard] section to practice.

Wizard Mode Detailed Settings

In wizard mode, you can easily change various settings. Take a look at each menu for detailed settings.

Last settings

VideoStew always applies the options you set last when you start wizard mode to maintain high productivity. However, by pressing this button, you can apply your own custom templates or choose from the templates provided by VideoStew.

Project Size

You can choose the size (aspect ratio) of the project you want to work on. VideoStew supports work in all sizes of aspect ratios, and you can add and use custom sizes directly from the user menu.


Select the BGM of the project. You can apply a fade-in and it is good to set it to 230% in cases where the AI voice is included.


Select the AI voice to read the text in your project. You can preview the voice in advance and adjust the reading speed.

Transition Effects

You can set the transition effects for slides in advance. The default setting is Auto, and at this time, VideoStew's automatic animation is applied, which is the most recommended option. For detailed information about auto animations, please refer to the [Using Auto Animation] document.

Automatic Subtitles

Recommends video/image content that matches the text.

Menu Description
Insert Stock Video or Image Appropriately recommends videos and images that match your script.
Insert Stock Video Only Only recommends videos that match your content.

Do Nothing (Manual Edit)|Does not automate video script editing. Recommended when uploading your own filmed videos/images.


You can predefine the style in which the text will appear and the font to use. For more detailed information, please refer to the Text Element document.

Utilizing Voice Recording Feature

VideoStew allows you to record multiple voices directly or upload pre-recorded files for use instead of AI voice. Shall we look at each method?

Record Yourself

Selecting 'Voice Recording' in the narration allows you to record voices immediately through your computer.

<3, 2, 1 After recording starts!>

When recording yourself, you can press the key on your keyboard to continue recording into the next slide seamlessly. Think of it as naturally narrating while watching a PowerPoint slide. And once the recording is done, you can press the ESC key or click the "Stop Recording" button to finish the recording.

Utilizing Recorded Files

Uploading MP3 Files

If you have recorded using a different solution, you can directly upload the recorded file (MP3) to VideoStew for use. After clicking "Navigation > Upload", press "Choose File" to select your MP3 file.

<Add User's Sound Files>

Applying Audio Files to the Entire Slideshow

In this guide, let's assume the MP3 file is not existing separately for each slide, but rather as a complete audio file for the whole presentation. First, select all the slides to edit at once and choose the uploaded audio file. However, the portions to be read for each slide have not yet been set.

So, for the next step, click 'All' next to 'Narration > Playback Interval' to set the 'Falling Interval' for each slide. Once the work is done, you can automatically check that each slide's duration has changed. The trimming method is detailed in Playback Interval (Video Trim), so please refer to that for confirmation.

Inviting Other Users to Workspace

Users with a Brand plan or higher can invite other users. This is a feature typically used for team projects or collaboration within a single brand channel. In addition to the invitation, the user can also utilize an individual workspace. To invite another user to the workspace, go to “Workspace Settings(▼) > Edit” screen, enter the email address and press the “Invite” button. Please make sure to press “Complete” at the end for the changes to apply. Remember this. ![]( < Invite another user to the workspace > The invited user is provided with a "Default Workspace" that can be used exclusively by the respective user, apart from the cooperative workspace. It is also possible to share work materials through the project copy and transfer functions to the cooperative workspace.

How to Use Auto Animation

VideoStew automatically detects changes between each slide and creates animations for you. This can be especially useful when creating sophisticated movement for an intro or outro template. Please refer to the following two videos for how to use auto animation. < Creating an animation like flipping through photos > < Making a typographic video > Shall we take a closer look at how to use auto animation?

Add Project

![]( < Click the Add Project button > [Wizard mode] will skip the setup and start "Immediately". ![](스크린샷_2023-02-27_오후_5.44.42.png?_=1hvoreq) < Click Start Immediately on the bottom left >

Inserting an image into the first slide

You'll see an empty slide like the screen below. Let's insert a "shape" element here. After searching for any element, click it to insert into the [Editing Window](/guide/edit/view/stage/slide-panel/stage). ![]( < Click to insert element >

Adding a Transition to the Second Slide

Now, click the "+ Add" button in the [Slide Window](/guide/edit/view/slide-navigator) at the bottom right to duplicate the first slide. Then, we will reduce the size of the elements in the second slide and arrange them in a grid. ![](

Setting Transition Effects and Duration

Next, set the [Transition Effect] to "Auto" and the [Transition Duration](/guide/edit/basic/duration/transition-timing) to about 2 seconds. When in "Auto" mode, the auto-animation will be generated because the system operates the animation automatically. Here, applying 2 seconds means that the movement for the second slide will be created over the duration of 2 seconds when it starts. ![]( And if you try the preview in advance, you can confirm that the image element shrinks and moves towards the bottom right over 2 seconds in the animation that has been created. ![]( !Animations only operate when the same element is on multiple slides. Even if it's the same image, if you have uploaded it several times, it may be treated as a different element, so please be careful. If you are sure that it is the same element but the movement is not applied, please check if the [Transition Effect] is set to "Auto" or if the [Transition Duration](/guide/edit/basic/duration/transition-timing) is more than 0 seconds.

Apply Easing

You can try out various "transition effects" from simple movements to common animations. If you look at the bottom of the "Playback Time", you will see a message that says "Transitions are applied to the entire project, currently [OutExpo]," along with a "Change" button. Here, you can set up different movement effects. ![](스크린샷_2023-03-13_오후_10.12.42.png?_=1i0u8mk) While holding the mouse, you can preview how the movement will be realized. Try setting different effects and previewing them to find the movement you want. ![](

Creating Thumbnails

In VideoStew, you can designate a specific slide as a thumbnail and download it as an image file. When set as a thumbnail, it is included in the video file itself and is automatically reflected when uploading to YouTube. YouTube Shorts does not yet support thumbnails. Therefore, you cannot use a custom thumbnail for YouTube Shorts.

Setting a Slide as a Thumbnail

Click on the settings (▼) at the top right corner of the slide and press the "Set as Thumbnail" button. The slide set as a thumbnail will also be used on the [Home Screen](/guide/edit/view/top/more/setting/home), making it convenient to find your created works. ![](

Downloading slides as image files

Click the settings (▼) on the upper right side of the slide and press the “Download” button to save the image file to your computer. ![](

Create Your Own Recipe (Template)

In the editing screen, you can create reusable templates by entering keywords such as `intro` or `outro` in each slide note. Templates with specified slide notes are retained as is when starting with [Wizard Mode](/guide/edit/view/wizard), making it convenient to prepare intro or outro videos that fit your channel. The video below will be used in this guide. You can copy it to your workspace by [copying]( it and then follow the steps below.

Specifying Slide Notes

The first thing to do is to specify slides that will be repeatedly used as intros and outros, as well as the thumbnail images. When you click the number in the [Slide Window](/guide/edit/view/slide-navigator), the 'Slide Note' menu appears. Here, you can assign the role for each slide. The available slide note types are as follows. |Code|Role| |--|--| |title|Specify as the first slide of the project for setting the title| |intro|Use to display the channel logo or convey important core messages| |head|A slide for expressing transitions between scenes or the sequence of first, second, etc., in the middle of content| |outro|Placed at the end of the project and used for CTA (likes, subscription requests)| First, select slides 1 and 2 by clicking with `shift` + `mouse click`, then in the pop-up window called 'slide note', type 'intro'. In the same manner, select slides 4 and 5 and specify them as 'outro'. By doing this, slide 3, which is not assigned any role, becomes the main text slide where various contributors' inputted texts are displayed, while the intro and outro consistently follow. ![](

Importing my created work into a new project

Let's try starting over in [wizard mode] again. Click 'Final settings' on the left sidebar in the last setting stage, then after clicking 'Load Work', select the project you just created. ![]( With all the main text replaced, intro and outro slides can easily be reactivated.

Manually syncing subtitles

Even if there are multiple lines of text on the slide, only one line appears at a time when the [Apply Unit] animation is set. VideoStew automatically adjusts the timing at which text appears, designed to sync with the voice, but occasionally the sync may be off. In such cases, you can insert special characters in the text to delay or hasten the timing of the content's appearance. |Special Character|Description| |--|--| |`<<`| This character makes the line appear 0.25 seconds faster.| |`>>`| This character makes the line appear 0.25 seconds slower.| To manually change the speed, it is good to use the `Enter` key to separate each line. Then, by using the preview, insert the character in front of or behind the line where timing adjustment is necessary. The example below shows how to insert the '>>' symbol after the sentence 'Today, stay healthy' appears faster than the voice and slightly delays it. If the timing is much off, you can use multiple special characters. In the case of '>>>>', it will be delayed by 0.5 seconds, right? ![](스크린샷_2023-05-03_오후_10.10.48.png?_=1i5663o)

Adding a custom color with transparency to the cursor

1. If you select any color, the color selection window will open. 2. There, select the "User" tab. 3. In the user tab, click "Add". 4. Specify the name and adjust the transparency to 0. 5. Click "Add" to confirm. When using box-shaped text, do not apply transparency to the font color; to insert transparency only to the box, add a color with transparency applied when adding user colors. ![](

Uploading video files to Naver Blog

To upload video files downloaded from VideoStew to Naver Blog, you can use Naver's video upload feature. ![](스크린샷_2023-10-16_오후_2.39.59.png?_=1iipjak) After clicking the "Video" button on the blog editor toolbar, upload the downloaded file (mp4), and a window like the one above will appear for you to enter the basic information of the video.

Uploading videos/images shot on smartphones

If you access VideoStew from a smartphone Chrome browser, you can quickly upload videos and images from the mobile device's gallery to your account.

Log in to VideoStew from your smartphone

Connect to VideoStew from the Chrome browser on your smartphone. Depending on the user's login method, you can log in with social one-click login or by entering your email and password.

Select Upload File

Click the "Select Upload File" button in the center to select files from your photo album or file manager. ![]( If you wish to change the workspace before uploading, please change the workspace first and then click "Select Upload File".

Verify Upload Results on PC

After the upload is complete, you can check the uploaded files on each user tab in the PC Chrome browser. If there are additional files needed during the operation, please continue to upload. New files can be confirmed soon in the library without needing to refresh.

Titles do not appear on the screen, only narration is inserted

Generally, VideoStew reads the text on the screen with an AI voice. However, if you're editing a video, there might be cases where you need only narration and no subtitles on the screen. In such cases, placing subtitles outside the slide window can easily solve the problem. If only the [Read by AI Voice](/guide/edit/basic/text/enable-tts) option is active for the respective text element, subtitles will not be displayed on the screen, and only the voice will be heard as set. ![]( < Place the text to which the AI voice is applied outside the Editing Window slider > Sometimes, only the keywords appear on the screen, and the explanation needs to be longer, right? In such cases, constructing a slide like below works great. ![]( < Display only the keywords inside the slide, and place the actual reading content outside the screen > 1. Please deactivate the [Read by AI Voice](/guide/edit/basic/text/enable-tts) option in the text box within the screen. 2. Place text elements outside the screen and write the actual content to be read. The [Read by AI Voice](/guide/edit/basic/text/enable-tts) option must be activated, and the slide must have [Narration](/guide/tips/wizard/wizard-setting/3kk3c5j) applied.

Create a dialogue-type content with multiple narrations on a single scene

VideoStew allows you to apply only one narration per slide. However, by using the [Auto Animation] feature, you can easily create dialogue-based content that alternates between two different [Narrations] as the scene progresses. You can also easily create dialogue-based content through the video below. To create dialogue-type content, using two slides set as Auto in the [Transition Effect] allows you to create content with various voices while the screen is fixed. Below, we will explain how to simply apply two different voices to create content.

Create one slide and insert two text elements.

In the example, insert a picture and proceed as if the characters are having a dialogue. ![]( < Insert a comic image made in Clip Studio, and a speech bubble from GIPHY >

Now set up [AI Voice] on the slide.

Select [AI Voice](/guide/edit/basic/narration/ai-voice) in "Slide > Narration" and insert a male voice. ![](

Activate the [Read by AI Voice] option only for the text box you want to be read.

Text that should not be read should have the [Read by AI Voice](/guide/edit/basic/text/enable-tts) option deactivated. ![](

After copying the slide, set the reading option to the opposite for AI Voice and apply a different voice.

For the slide that was read in the previous slide, deactivate the [Read by AI Voice](/guide/edit/basic/text/enable-tts) option, and activate it for the text that needs to be read. ![]( < Create conversational content and apply different voices individually >

Invite Students with Student ID in the School-exclusive Solution

If you are using the [School-exclusive Access Slide](, students can use the service without any separate registration process. Of course, teachers must register via email. In the state logged in with the teacher account, you will learn about how to add workspaces and invite students.

Adding Workspaces by Class

Typically, when you conduct classes, you will add workspaces by class. You can add workspaces in the following steps.

Add a New Workspace

Click the `+` button under the default workspace to add a new workspace. You can add workspaces by class or group, and only the invited students for each workspace can view it. ![](

Invite Students to the Workspace

You can invite students through the "Collaborators" menu right below. Since the school solution allows joining with the student ID of each school, you can copy and paste the student ID list from Excel. You can copy multiple lines at once and a single workspace can invite up to 60 people. ![]( If you invite to only one workspace together, each personal workspace is added separately. We recommend that students submit their projects through the [Share](/guide/edit/view/top/more/sharable-url) feature.